Oct 12

Alat dan Bahan :

* firefox
* ce5.5
* flash 9 and flash 10. (use the respective generator)

Steps: (redoing steps, give me a min)

1. Go into pet society > stadium > betting
2. Select anyone and click on the tick. But DO NOT click READY.
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Sep 27

Pet society EXP cheat by Patiniox

hope it still work, haven’t tested by me >.< You will need: * firefox * ce 5.5 * flash 9 Read the rest of this entry »

Sep 18

Anda Membutuhkan :
1. Flash Player 9.
2. Unistall Flash Player.
3. Mozila Firefox / Internet Explorer.
4. Cheat Engine 5.4 / 5.5.
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