Country story unlimite farmland cheat

Country story unlimite farmland cheat

– firefox/ie,
-cheat engine 5.5
-flash 9

Step 1: Select firefox/ie as the process.
Step 2: Using the tool, either make a new farmplot or remove the roots of a harvested plant.
Step 3: Scan 75FFE85DDD0CC483 (tick hex, 8bytes, also scan read-only)
Step 4: Only 1 address should be found. (if no address is found, try walking around and using
the tool again. Then scan again until 1 address is returned.
Step 5: Right click this address and disassemble it.
Step 6: A few lines below the whole chunk of codes, you will see this line “jmp XXXXXXXX”
Step 7: Right click it and select “Change register at this location”
Step 8: Tick EAX and input 999 as the value.
Now you can as many farmland as you want, regardless of your level. Just remember that this process is not reversible.

3 Responses

  1. tears Says:

    mksdnya step ke 6 apa sih?? jelasin dunk..!!!
    thanks b4

  2. Anymous Says:

    @tears : step ke enam itu = cari aja yang ada tulisanya “jmp xxxx” xxxxxxx itu artinya smuanya berbeda2…

  3. gilang Says:

    huaa pas make cheatnya lgsg d sruh reload am country storyny. cheatny uda g bsa lg y?

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