Country story cheat – Trophy Cheat


* firefox (works on ie7 too. just tested it)
* flash 9
* cheat engine 5.5

Select firefox.exe in the CE process list.

1. Water a crop OR take a stone/wood from a friend’s farm
2. Scan ‘F685DC758B104389’ (Hex, 8 bytes, ASROM)
3. Only 1 address found. Disassemble it.
4. Scroll a few codes up and you will see this line ” mov ecx,[ebp-1c]”
5. Select this line (left click it!)
6. Go to Tools –> Auto assemble –> Template –> Code injection –> OK
7. You will see a paragraph of codes.
8. Change these
mov ecx,[ebp-1c]
mov edx,[ecx+10]
mov ecx,[ebp-1c]
mov [ecx+10],186a0
mov edx,[ecx+10]
(for the smarter ones, it means inserting that middle line between the 2 codes)
9. Click EXECUTE.
10. Now watch your trophies coming in as you

* water a plant
* plow a ground
* collect crops
* visit friends
* etc

PS: Corn trophy seems to disappear at lvl 3.

4 Responses

  1. Pharme881 Says:

    Very nice site!

  2. Kelli Garner Says:

    Thats very good to know… thanks

  3. supar Says:

    bos untuk flas 10 ad ga?kan sekarang da pake yang 10

  4. goravine Says:

    bukan ada yang 10 bos, tapi memang harus pake yang 9…

    kalau pake 10 terkadang ngga keluar hasil scannya gitu 🙂

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